There is one resource that every living thing on the earth needs to live and that is water. In some form or another you need to have water in order to survive. The great thing about America is the fact that we have water to drink and not only that but there are tons of brands and ways that water has been cleaned in order to be drinkable. Now what if you are out in the wilderness and need to find water to drink. You never want to just go up to a puddle of water and start drinking.
You need to be sure that the water is safe to drink and will not make you sick.
AAA Water Team has several ways that water can be purified and prepared for drinking
Boil Water to Drink: This is probably the most well-known way to get water that may not be drinkable ready to drink. The only thing you need is a fire started so that you have a way to get the water to boil. You don’t need to use a large pot or metal container just enough to get it going. Add the water to a metal pot or cup and set it on the fire. You want to be sure that the water is at a rolling boil for about 10 minutes to ensure that the impurities that can end up making you sick are killed off. Let the water cool back down and you are ready for a drink of water.
Natural Water Purifier: If you are a real adventurer or are somewhere you cannot start a fire, you can make a natural water purifier. You will need more materials but they can all be found around nature. You want to start with a strip of bark that you can make into a cone shape. Start layering the smallest and finest material you can find such as sand. Then you can move to small pebbles and up to larger stones. You want to send the water cascading down the cone and through the layers. This works like a natural purifier by catching all the pollutants through the series of layers that will end up catching most of it. This will leave the water drinkable and enjoyable.
Water Purifying Tablets: If you are a survivalist that is ready for anything you may have gotten stranded in the woods with al your gear. If this includes tablets that are made to purify water from nature; you are set. Simply follow the instructions on your specific purifier which is usually adding it to a bottle of water and allowing it to dissolve. This will kill off any bacteria that may be living in the water.