Do you have your own well on your property? Then you know you have some advantages over using the municipal water supply. You get to enjoy lower monthly costs while having fresh clean water for your home. You also have more water technology to take care of and repair to ensure you have a dependable water supply running through your faucets. You will know that your well pump is going bad if you don’t have any water flowing from your faucets, you have poor water pressure or you’re constantly running the pump.
Has Your Water Well Stopped Running?
You will probably need to call a plumber when your water stops running. However, there are things you can do to see if it’s a minor problem that has halted your water supply. Maybe it hasn’t stopped working and one or some of the components have just broken. Your water may have stopped because there’s a low supply of water in the ground, equipment failure or a plumbing breakdown.
Well Pump Switch Problems
The first thing you should do when you don’t have any water is check the electrical panel. Look to see if the circuit for the well pump and pressure tank is in the “ON” position. If not, you will need to flip it to “ON” to see if your system starts to run. If it does it may have just been a one-time thing and you’re good to go. If the breaker does go out again, you need to call professionals to determine if your well pump is bad.
Well Pressure Tank Reading Too High
The next thing you can check is the pressure tank to see the reading is above 20 psi. If the pressure tank is showing pressure, then the problem may be in your house and not an issue with the well or well pump. If you don’t have any pressure then the problem is with the well pump, well, pressure tank or switch. You will need to call the pros to figure out what’s going on. If you notice flooding in a section of your yard where the pipes go from the well to the house, it may indicate that one of your lines has broken. This means your pump is working overtime, making it important to call for help.
Problems That Can Affect Your Well or Well Pump
1. Power loss. If you lose power, you will only have as much water as your pressure tank is holding since it needs electricity to run.
2. Low water table. There may be a lack of water in your well if there’s been a drought or dry spell.
3. Inadequate pump size. You will need to make sure your water pump is sized for the water you need to use.
4. Overworked water pump. The pressure tank also needs to be sized for the water usage in your home.
5. Water sediment. Sediment in the water is abrasive and can cause wear and tear on the pump assembly.
Well Water System Service & More in Golden Gate Estates, Naples, Cape Coral, Fort Myers & Lehigh Acres, Florida
It can be difficult to know if your well pump is broken or if another part of your water system isn’t working properly. AAA Water Team can diagnose the problem and fix it. Give us a call today!