The summer is winding down and before you know it, school will be back in session. That means the kids are up early and thrown into a fast paced schedule. Research has shown that during the school year kids tend to have more headaches and get sick more often. One factor can be from the germs they are getting being around other kids while another is good old fashioned dehydration. Kids are now getting up sooner to get ready to go and their schedule has them running from one class to another and then to their extracurricular activities right after school. Kids forget to take care of themselves and may not be getting the right nutrition or the right amount of water. If you are dreading the early morning wake ups and the comment that they are too sick to go to bed you need to do what you can to prevent it! There are some ways to help keep headaches at bay while getting back in the swing of school life.
AAA Water Team Lists Ways to Help Stop Kids from Having Headaches as They Go Back To School
Benefits of Drinking Filtered Water After Waking Up: Throughout a normal day you probably grab a drink every hour or two to keep yourself from feeling dehydrated. Now think about a whole night of sleep and how many hours you are going without a single sip! That is a lot of hours that you are not drinking so you often wake up feeling thirsty whether you feel it or not. Often you feel sluggish and tired when you wake up which are signs that you are dehydrated. If you want to start the day off right you should have water ready when the kids start to wake up. This first glass of water can help jump start your energy level and get your body in working order.
Use Reusable Water Bottles: Throughout the day, kids are running from class to class and often don’t have time to stop for a drink. You can help them remember to drink more water by getting them an environmentally friendly refillable water bottle. Fill it up each day and send the kids with their bottle so they can drink throughout the day and they don’t have to just wait for lunch time. This will help them concentrate better in class and stay focused because they will feel better.
Hydration During Sports & Exercise: Many kids are active in their school community by playing a sport. The kids that play sports will often times practice after school and have games as well. These are times of extreme physical activity which will quickly deplete their water supply. You need to be sure that you talk to them about the safety concerns when they get dehydrated. They need to consume more water during sports than they do when they are home just watching some TV.
Whole Home Water Filtration in Golden Gate Estates, Naples, Cape Coral, Fort Myers & Lehigh Acres, Florida
AAA Water Team can install a whole home water filtration system to help keep your kids hydrated this school year! Contact us for all your pure, fresh water needs.